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Gravesend, Kent

May 2019

The Site:


The Nook Animal Boarding is situated on the edge of the Shorne Country Park and built from the ground up as a brand-new pet hotel complex. Each of the kennels has a ceiling height of 2.2m and length of 5.3m. The client enquired about the installation of x air conditioning units throughout the kennels.


Welfare Approach:


Austin Broady Associates were employed to provide heating, cooling & ventilation, keeping the safety and protection of the animals at the forefront. Ventilation of kennels is important to reduce odour, provide clean air, and to reduce the concentration of airborne infectious agents.


Any type of ventilation where the airflow is not controlled directly, for example opening doors and windows, is referred to as passive ventilation. Passive ventilation is adequate for a small number of animals but may result in large levels of heat loss.


Any type of ventilation where the airflow is controlled by specially designed blowers or extractor fans is known as active ventilation. Active ventilation can be combined with heating (air conditioning), and is far more effective, affording a much higher degree of control.

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